Some strange facts about famous movies.

  • James Bond: The Casino Royale.
    It's the first Jame Bond Film approved by the Chinese censors.
  • Sean Connery wore a wig in every single one of his Bond performances.
  • 101 Dalmatians
    101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only Disney Cartoon features with both parents present and don't die throughout the Movie.
  • Walt Disney refused to allow Alfred Hitchcock to film at Disneyland in the early 1960s because "he had made that disgusting movie Psycho".
  • Big Lebowski.
    The word "dude" is used 161 times in this movie. And the "F" word or the variations of the "f" word are used almost 292 times. The dude says "Man" 147 times in the movie.
  • Michael Myers mask in Halloween is just a Captain Kirk mask altered slightly and painted white.
  • Aliens: Resurrection.
    Sigourney Weaver actually made that "impossible" basketball shot.
  • Brave Heart
    Reserves from the Irish Army were used as Extras in this movie.
  • Casablanca
    "Play it Again, Sam" is actually never said by anybody in the movie.
  • King Kong.
    Was Hitler's favorite movie.
  • Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's chest.
    In order to get an actual surprise reaction, the kiss between Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley was scratched out of Orlando Bloom's script.
  • Titanic
    The sketch that Jack drew of Rose with that famous necklace on Rose, was actually drawn by the director James Cameron. The hands that are shown drawing it are also Cameron's. And the sketchbook shown of Jack, all the sketches in it are also by Cameron.

That's my 2 cents. ;)


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