How Cars Are Stolen, And How You Can Safeguade Yours


This article points out some of the techniques employed by car thieves, and how you could safeguard yours.
How would you feel, when you wake up one morning, or you're at a retail shop, and suddenly realise your range rover sport, or your BMW X5, is no more? it's being stolen?

That is what almost all car owners, wouldn't want to experience. But it's a reality, waiting to happen, if urgent steps aren't taken by owners and security agencies.

Even the most sophisticated of cars, with custom installed security systems have being hacked and stolen.
Relying on your car's factory fitted keyless ignition system, these days, as a theft deterrent, isn't a surety. Such cars can still be stolen, with just some simple techniques.

The following methods are some of the ways thieves steal peoples cars.

In this method, the thieve positions his/herself close to the owner of the car, or where the key is located, not too far away from the vicinity of the car's signal range. The car owner won't even suspect that the person standing close to him, has something amplifying the signal from his key fob. They use simple transmission gadgets to do that.
Normally, keyless entry systems and the start buttons, work on the same principle.
This is how it works. The car sends out some kind of short distance radio frequencies, and the key fob(that's your remote key for the car), receives that frequency, and transmits it back to the car, fooling the car's computer system to think that the owner has locked the doors.

OBJECTIVES: Open up the doors and steal the car by starting the engine using the same technique.

*Make sure when locking the doors, ensure that the CLUCK sound is heard, signifying the doors are properly locked.
*Check your key fob to ensure the lights worked also.
*Keys should not be kept in close proximity to the car. This would help drain the car's key fob faster.
*Buy a key fob preserver. That prevents any transmission signals sent from a car thieve to your key fob.

There are cheap key programming tools out there for a small fee.
Programming of a car's keyless ignition system(start button), doesn't require hours. Just some 12s, a new key fob has being programmed, encoding your car's security codes in it. This, vehicle thieves do by connecting the tool through the car's OBD11 port, and accessing the car's software. The programming can easily start and unlock the doors.

Key programming won't be of help, unless the car's doors were accessed. That can only be achieved, either by breaking the glasses, or using a radio wireless signal transmitter.

Objective: Stealing the car
Solution: Fit a diagnostic port lock on the obd11, and use additional security such as a steering-wheel lock.

This is the most commonly used way thieves gain access to your car.
A device that transmits on the same radio frequency as the remote key fobs is used to jam the signal that locks the car.
Normally, gadget might be in the pocket of a car thieve in a car park, or left in shrubbery near a driveway that's being targeted.
In this technique, when you press the lock button on the key fob, the command is prevented from reaching the vehicle and it remains unlocked. Thieves are left with an open door.
Jamming signals are also found applicable in military spheres of warfare.

OBJECTIVE: To gain access to vehicles, usually to steal valuables inside.
SOLUTION: Make sure the indicators flash when you press the lock button and listen for the clunk of locks.

Some keyless fobs may still be in range of the car when if left inside a house close to the vehicle.
Car thieves can discreetly check the doors by trying the door handles, which may unlock the doors, but are unlikely to be able to drive the car away, even if they eventually get inside.
Keyless systems would always require a key fob to be inside the car before the engine will start.

Even if car owners do not fall victim to these thieves, they may end up with a flat battery because the closeness of the key keeps electronic systems on standby. That's why lot of folks wonder how a car's keyless fob battery easily discharges.

OBJECTIVE: To Gain access to a vehicle.
*Get a safe place for your car keys at home
* Ensure that the keys are out of range of the car.

In this technique, car thieves armed with advanced gadgets lie in wait for cars of their choice, as though they own them. When the owner locks the doors, the signal is captured directly by the device. It then calculates the unlocked key code, through this process.

OBJECTIVE: To gain access to a vehicle.
* Lock the car with a key if possible.

Computer systems these days, are no longer safe as one might expect. They could hacked from anywhere in the world. These is similar to what scammers do. They fraudulently access your personal data, and even passwords to scam you.

Companies like Google, and Apple, have in collaboration with some auto makers, recently started incorporating infotainment/security gadgets on their cars.
Apps like these, allow drivers to communicate through their smart phones(unlock their car). Thieves can do the same thing on their own phones, if they can log in to the app as the vehicle’s owner. What they only need to achieve that, is the password, which they may steal or guess.
This method is rarely used but could become popular as car makers attempt to connect their vehicles with owners’ smartphones.

OBJECTIVE: To gain access to a vehicle.
* Ensure you create an alphanumeric secured password.

In some of these techniques, cars are stolen or gained access into, without any signs of go breaking into the car's doors/windows.
Being vigilant and spending a little bit more securing your car with much more advanced security systems, and a car tracking device would go along way in helping the police track your car in case its being stolen



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