Top 10 Most Visited Websites In The World 2016 By Google

Websites are not difficult to create in this modern era but the difficult part is keeping it's status and maintaining it's rankings!

So, Here is a list of top ten most popular websites of 2016 in the world. Google and Facebook are doing well in this competition.

10. Taobao is the largest online shopping destination in China and world wide second most popular after

9. Baidu Baidu was founded on January 18,2000. Now It is the chinese language search engine and the most visited website in China.

8. Bing is the new searching shape of MSN Search and Windows Live Search. Due to Google and Yahoo, Bing is working hard to improve itself and currently it is the third largest world wide search engine.

7. Wikipedia is the best and most powerful website than any website even google. All major websites on the internet are incomplete without wikipedia. Wikipedia is an Internet based encyclopedia and full of information about anything.

6. Yahoo is the oldest and now second most visited search engine on the internet. In the era of Google and facebook, Yahoo is facing difficulties to make its positions in the list.

5. Twitter Twitter allows the people to read the messages called tweets and it is the best social networking website.

4. Amazon was launched by Jeff Bezos in 1995., Inc. is the world largest electronic commerce website. Amazon sells every thing from books to movies and games as well as softwares.

3. Facebook Facebook is the world largest and one of the most visiting website after google and youtube. Facebook Social Network account is considered to be a most have utility for everyone.

2. YouTube is the third most visited as well as world largest video search engine on the web. is a free video sharing platform. It allows users to watch and share videos.

1. Google is the most popular search engine as well as the most visited website in all over the world. Currently there are 1.17 billion monthly active Google users in the world. Google allows users to search queries, images, videos, articles and so on.


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