7 Types Of Lies People Tell
It might be surprising but definitely interesting to know that lies actually have classifications and not all lies are the same; there are indeed different kinds of lies. Jumia Travel and Jumia Mobile Week share 7 different kinds of lies people tell. White Lies This is often believed as the least serious kind of lie. These type of lies are told to avoid burdening an individual with the weight of the truth. An example is showing appreciation for an undesirable gift. These lies are indeed quite harmless but the problem is over time the white liar loses credibility and is dismissed as an insincere person. The Bold-Faced Lie These lies are common with children, but when an adult does it, it’s just plain annoying. In a bold-faced lie, the liar says something everyone knows is false but stands by it as the truth (regardless of how obvious the lie is). People tend to be resentful of bold-faced lies because of how belittling of time and intelligence it is. Exaggerated Lies Here the truth is us...